reading followed by live music
Glasba/music: Katarina Juvančič & Dejan Lapanja
Besedila/texts: Petra Kohlenprath
Thursday, November 3, 2016
Palais Attems
Sackstraße 17
8010 Graz
From then. From there.
The journey into a narrative poetic and musical landscape, built from women’s memories and experiences. The familiar, unknown and forgotten fill the room. Times and places of individual experience condense to their essence, nourishing the source of the collective memory. Longings, worries, joy. Movement. Seperate parts merging into the big picture. Into a common thread. For the future.
At the time of their occurrence, many of our experiences seem inexplicable to us in their content. It’s “simply magic“ and grounding, seeing one’s own vague stories collide with those of others. Brojanka sem – my roots in Loibltal (episode 11 of the interferences) meets Katarina Juvančič & Dejan Lapanja’s songs. “Brodi – traversings“ bows to the strength and the courage of women. It also bows to the men who love their women exactly because of these qualities.
With friendly assistance of Kulturamt/Stadt Graz, Kulturabteilung/Land Steiermark and Bundeskanzleramt – Sektion 2 Kunst