The long-term project To Hear is to See, which is organised and curated by the artist Gue Schmidt, will be presented at RHIZOM in Granz as an Austrian Premiere, after having been to Columbia, Venezuela, Mexico and Turkey. 63 international artists from the most diverse areas of art are represented through their radio, photo and text works. Through a permanent process of enlargement new artists and their compositions will be included in the project which leads to the creation of an international, polyphone network.
With open ears we see reality through different eyes. In times and in a country where under the supervision of the government the word and the public picture has established itself as a weapon of daily political use, this continues to become more important.
Stops 2000:
Austrian Institute of Culture, Istanbul, Turkey
Museo de la Ciudad de Querétaro, Querétaro, Mexico
Sala de Exposiciones JAI-ALAI, Acapulco, Mexico
Emisora de la Universidad Veracruzana, Xalapa, Mexico
RHIZOM, Austrian Premiere, Graz, Austria
Radio art – Art radio, photos, texts, live performances
Participating artists
Adrian X. Robert, Auinger Sam, Bachler Christian/Kreisel-Strausz Leo/RHIZOM, Battisti Peter, Bechtold Gottfried, Bielz Gudrun, Blackout Moucle, Bordoni Isabella/Paci Dalo Roberto, Breindl Martin, Burt Warren, Cejpek Lukas, Charalambos Gilles, Cizek/Musil, Collins Marilyn, Eckerman Sylvia/Fuchs Mathias, Eisenegger Renate, Eisenegger René/ Norvilla Richardas, Feyerabend Julian/Humer Oskar, Fro Fritz/ Schmidt Gue [rbw21], Ganahl Rainer, Gandur Faroe, Geiger Dinah, Geyersbach Michael, Gomez Dulce, Gottemeier Rainer, Handl Reinhard, Huber Rupert, Huskava Harald, Iges José/Jerez Concha, Jappe Georg, Jovanovic Arsenije, Langheinrich Ulf, Leitner Reinhold, Mark Helmut, Math Norbert, Meissner Christina/ Geyersbach Michael, Menia Gerd, Mortley Kaye, Nikolaev Dimitry, Obermaier Klaus, Peralta Catalina, Priesch Hannes, Proton Group, Pschenitschnikowa Natalia, Restrepo Tulio, Riese Katharina, Ritsch Winfried, Sarmiento Roberto, Schimana Elisabeth, Sodomka Andrea/ Preindl Martin, Sohm Wolfgang, Spour Robert, Stache Erwin, Stefanovic Ivana, Stöckler Johannes, Ujvary Liesl, Ulm Christine, Van Dalen Patricia, Vinogradov German, Wiese Anja, Zielinska Lidia.
Artists who have been added in Graz: Reni Hofmüller, Frie Moschitz & groupe en suite, ekw 14,90 (Moke Klengel, Stoffl Rath, Malis Stöger und André Tschinder)
Place, Time
RHIZOM at the laboratory, Jakoministraße 16, Graz
Radio Helsinki, FM 92,6, Graz
The complete program will be broadcast 4 hours daily within a timeframe of 14 days.
In co-operation with Transfer Wien, Radio Helsinki FM 92,6/ Graz