An exchange project of contemporary art from Columbia and Austria

<…> But now in this present transfer enterprise of art between Austria and Columbia in 1994 the realization of the art transfer from here to there is not just what it is about, not just what one likes to call the uniting of people, but it is about the transfer problem itself.
<…> (Burghart Schmidt/Catalogue Transfer)

<…> This dialogue of TRANSFER shows that the artists like to incorporate things to which their sensitivity and talent leads them to explore the attempt of a new language and to enable the communication between endless impulses of their own work, of their free eyes and their free bodies.
To find out what we all have from everybody one might have to walk his way dreaming.
(Roberto Burgos Cantor (COL)/Catalogue Transfer)

Paintings, space installations, objecte, photo installation,  Sound installation, Floor installation, interactive text installation
Concept art

Columbian artists
Francisco Londono, Armando Montoya, Alfredo Gomez, Maryluz Alvarez, Edith Arabelaez, Beatriz Franco, Gloria Posada, Haydee Garcia, Roberto Montoya, Jaime Munoz, Hugo Cordoba, Tulio Restrepo

Austrian artists
Christian Bachler, Gottfried Bechthold, Alex Klein, Leo Kreisel, Richard Kriesche, Hans Kuppelwieser, Hannes Priesch, Gue Schmid, Wolfgang Sohm

Place, Time
Museo de Arte Moderno de la Universidad de Antioquia, Medellin Columbia
Kunsthof-Eisenhof, Vienna, Austria (columbian arists)

Künstlerhaus Dortmund, BRD (Columbian artists)
Museo de Arte Religioso-Biblioteca L. Angel Arango, Bogota, Kolumbien
Galeria de la Biblioteca de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico D.F., Mexico
Museo José Ma. Velasco, Toluca, Mexico

In co-operation with Museo de Arte Moderno de la Universidad de Antioquia, Medellin und AUS-ART, Vienna
Curator of the Austrian exhibit: Gue Schmidt
Composition of the Columbian exhibit: Tulio Restrepo,  Francisco Londoño,  Armando Montoya