About us

RHIZOM is permanently established in Graz and conceives itself as a non-hierarchically organized collective. RHIZOM features the infracultural background for individual and collective artistic autonomy.

Our work focuses on international projects of cultural exchange on the one hand and on local conditions and ongoing events on the other. RHIZOM pursues intuitive, transdisciplinary and participatory context-art.

The objective is to make our own cultural concepts more transparent, to perceive the “very different beast”, to find new points of contact and to connect what has not been connected in that specific way before.
The artistic approach follows a process-oriented, open conceptual design, in which medial possibilities are being tested allowing for on-site reaction. In the end it is content which determines the medium.

Issues of form, conditions and value of non-commercial art-work are integral parts of RHIZOM-art.

“The Rhizom can itself assume the most diverse of forms, from branching-out and expansion in all directions on the surface, to the concentration in bulbs and knots.
The Rhizom contains the best and worst: the potato, couch grass and pest plants.”

(Gilles Deleuze & Felix Guattari)

Rhizom was founded in 1988 by Christian Bachler, Ursula Strauß und Leo Kreisel

RHIZOMS on the road: Barbara Teubl, Werner Kothgasser, Fritz Oberleitner, Markus Stieber, Dietmar Hollenstein, Gue Schmidt, Andrea Speetgens, Albert Pall, Christian Bachler

RHIZOM 2020/21: Angelika Thon, Petra Kohlenprath, H.J. Schubert, Mirko Maric

Translation (unless otherwise stated): Sandra Ziagos (Spanish), Jutta Zniva (English)

Regular members: Christian Bachler, Manfred Kummer, Margret Kreidl, Leo Kreisel-Strausz

Cult-technics & head-craftsmen: Geari Schreilechner, Ewald Puhr


 Thank You!

Persons we would like to mention in historic context due to their commitment – contentwise and of different manner (ART) – to the rhizomatic cause:

Ursula Strauß, Elisabeth Prinschitz, Ruth Seipl, Reni Hofmüller, Jogi Hofmüller, Franz Niegelhell, Ria Grabner, Andreas Platzer, Gue Schmidt, Felipe Ehrenberg, Geari Schreilechner, Hector Aquilar, Jurek und Maciej Majewski, Ilse Weber, Vanesa Cvahte, Moke Klengel, Christoph Rath, Marlies Stoeger, Andre Tschinder, Andreas Unterweger, Lothar Lässer, Werner Kothgasser, Ewald Puhr, Julian Friedrich, Ralf Thon, Ernesto Salmerón, Manfred Kummer, Josef Strauß, Johann Kreisel, Michi Hampala, Rajiv Joshi, e.d. gfrerer, Consuelo Mora Benard, Josef Fürpaß, Frie Reissig, Colectivo Veinti3, Petra Kohlenprath, Margret Kreidl, Zita Oberwalder, Kurt Eugen…

Sorry to those we forgot. We update and remember constantly.