b. drawn into the space.* (plural constellations)

1. August - 25. September 2020
RHIZOM homebase , Annenstraße 52, 8020 Graz

Exercising polyperspective perception, sketching counter-places, co-areas, abutments and shapes into space – heterotopias, fanned out across the place on hand.  
The fearless space in a rough draft.
The installation art will be realized at RHIZOM, Annenstraße 52.
We build with bamboo, a rhizomatic plant, and the re-solution to provide as many accesses as possible – opening up the space in always new situations.


Friday, Sept. 11
Thursday, Sept. 17,
Friday, Sept. 18 and 

Thursday, Sept. 24,
Friday, Sept., 25.

Supported by

With friendly assistance of Kulturabteilung/Land Steiermark
With friendly assistance of Kulturamt/Stadt Graz